Inner Light Legion


Image of a production factory with the title of "Thought Factory"

Thought Factory - Magic of Thinking Big

October 19, 20236 min read

If you read my blog posts and/or watch my YouTube videos you may have discovered one of a few recurring themes, which is observing your thoughts. My latest installment in the Inner Light Legion Book Club is a book called “Think and Grow Rich.” Thoughts really are things and this book, among others, implores you to take inventory of your thoughts. If you want to check out the post, you can do that here and if you want to join me and others in the book club you can sign up for that here. The thought factory is a concept from a book I read in, “The Magic of Thinking Big.”

Think of your mind as a thought factory that produces a product that you take straight to the memory bank where you save and withdraw every time you encounter a positive or negative situation in life. 

Picture this, you walk into a factory, as the owner, and cross the production floor to get to your office in the back of the building. You hear the loud hum of the machines producing your thoughts. 

You have two foreman that report directly to you. They tell the factory workers what to do and keep the machines in perfectly working order. Both of them work diligently to make sure that the work is done at the highest of quality.  They each run one division of your thought production line that produces electrically charged tokens. One division is triumph, and the other division is defeat.

When the production lines shut down for the night, you take those tokens to the memory bank on your way home. 

You get to the memory bank, and you tell the nice teller which one out of the two accounts you want to deposit the tokens. 

Let’s say you’ve had a very challenging few days. Or maybe you’ve had a rough few years or a lifetime of trials and tribulations. It could even be one single event. 

Unfortunately, today is no different and it started before you even showed up to the factory.  You encountered an event(s) that left you feeling some type of way and you carried that funk with you all the way to the factory. 

As you walk in, your staff has already unlocked the doors and are getting the thought production machines warmed up. Every day as usual, you meet your two foremen in the conference room, where they ask you, “What will it be today boss?” Because of the bad day you’ve had so far you tell them, “I want nothing but defeat today boys, it’s been one of those days.” They reply, “yes sir” and get to work. 

You hear the idle hum of the defeat thought machines turn into a loud roar of working factory lines pressing defeated token after token.  Walking from the conference room to your office thinking to yourself, “I need more!” You yell over the intercom to shut down triumph division for the day and double the production of defeating thoughts; you start thinking about all the times you felt defeated or inadequate or less than, on top of the recent event(s) that has you “in the shit.” 

At the end of the day, you bring bags and bags full of defeating tokens to the memory bank and you tell the charming teller to put these tokens in the defeated memory bank account.

You're still feeling dejected, the issue(s) have really not been resolved but at least you have coffee filters now. You wake up, start the routine all over again. You physically feel sluggish, heavy, drained and you start withdrawing from your defeated memory bank account. You walk into work, you hear the hum of the machines walking through the factory to the conference room. Before you even sit down for your meeting, you tell your foramen, “I want the same as yesterday.”

Do you see where this is going?

Can you tell what has been in production all week?

It’s the weekend and the factory is still in production mode but you have decided to take a Saturday to yourself. It’s been a rough week and you are reaching out for something to hold on to. You head on out to the memory bank and ask the sweet teller if you can withdraw one token from the triumph account so you can recall something you’ve done right or an event that makes you feel good or feel accomplished. 

The kind teller looks down at the computer and looks at you with a face of regret and says, “I’m sorry you have insufficient funds in that account, but you do have plenty in your defeat account. Would you like a token from there?”

At this point in time, does it make sense to take one token of defeat? 

Would you go back to the factory and produce more negative tokens to deposit in the bank?

Would it make more sense to do what you can to slow down production of the defeated tokens and do anything you can to get more funds in your triumph account? 

You literally have this option every day. It’s the simple input = output formula. You have a simple (even though it’s a bit more complex than that) machine. You have defeated or negative thoughts in production and it gets deposited in the memory bank. If you have triumphant or positive thoughts in production, they get deposited into the memory bank.

We have the ability to dictate what is being produced in our own thought factories.

When you understand how the factory works and you understand that you are the shot caller, you then recognize the power you hold. 

Pay attention to what is being produced in your factory. If changes need to be made, take a look at what it takes to double production in the triumph division. 

We all have defeated thoughts that we carry with us and we as humans have the tendency to take the negative route because it is easier to do, because it requires less energy. When things come up, we pull from the defeated memory bank with stuff like, “Uh, I can’t do that, remember that one time when they did this.” or “Remember the last time I tried that, and I crashed and burned?” There are a ton of scenarios we all can pull from. The next time you find yourself with the Defeat Division in full production, take a little time to yourself and spend more energy on remembering all the good things you have done. Take the time to look back on your accomplishments and make sure they are deposited in your Triumph account ASAP. 

If you honestly feel that you haven’t done anything to feel accomplished or triumphant, take a little more time to think. If it’s still a no, start doing things that can make you feel this way. It doesn't have to be anything massive, as long as it makes you feel good like you can walk away with a win; that’s what matters. Those tokens start to add up to the point you can make large withdrawals and deposits. 

Think of your defeated thoughts as pennies. They are very easy to find, whether they are on the sidewalk or under your couch cushions. Your triumphant thoughts are more like silver dollars, more valuable, and most likely, you won’t be finding those laying around like you would a penny. It takes 100 hundred pennies to equal a silver dollar. The same goes for negative and positive thoughts or defeated and triumphant thoughts. 

Run your factory like a CEO and manage its deposits and withdrawals like a CFO, know what I mean?

Work on creating positive memories of yourself feeling accomplished and triumphant to be accomplished and triumphant. 

thoughtsthought factorymagic of thinking bigthe magic of thinking bigmindsetmental health blogmental health
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Cameron Maurice

Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker.

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