Inner Light Legion


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Why We Have 75% Of The Wrong Kind Of Programming

December 07, 20232 min read

In my last post I talked about our thought factory and how well oiled machines produce things we call thoughts. You can check that video out here. In keeping with the theme of thoughts and machines, there is a concept from a great book "What To Say When You Talk To Yourself" I want to share with you. Let's dive into the realm of self-programming and why 75% of our programming is working against you.

Just like an 'ole desktop:

Imagine we're like desktop computers, complete with a screen, keyboard, and storage device. Our appearance and actions represent the display, while the keyboard symbolizes our five senses, including the way we talk to ourselves. The storage device, our subconscious mind, holds our programming – the thoughts that shape our reality.

The control center manages everything: mood, attitude, health, emotions, and more. The electrical components, our thoughts, provide power to this intricate system.

Let's take a trip:

Now, let's shift from computers to humans. Picture this: I offer you an all-expenses-paid trip to the Dominican Republic. Excitement fills the air until we overhear the pilot admitting that 75% of the computer programming guiding our flight is wrong. Would you still board that plane?

This scenario mirrors how we often navigate life with 75% of our mental programming being negative. Influences from media, society, and even our own self-talk contribute to this detrimental programming.

Changing the Programming:

To transform our lives, we must alter our mental programming. Instead of accepting negative thoughts, we need to observe them, reject them, and replace them with positive affirmations. It's a conscious effort to reshape the content we bury into our subconscious mind.

Take Control:

For a long time, I, like many others, operated at 100% negative programming. If you resonate with this, you're not alone. The first step is acknowledging the need for change. What percentage are you at right now, and where do you want to be?

Changing our mental programming requires effort, but it's crucial for unlocking the light within us. Start paying attention to your thoughts, reject negativity, and consciously shape your self-talk. The journey to a brighter, more positive life begins with rewiring your mind.

I talk more about how we can change our mental programming to work in our favor in my latest video

You are everything, that is why the universe is inside of you. The light comes from within...

What to say when you talk to yourselfmental healthmindsetself helpself talkself developmentpersonal developmentmotivation
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Cameron Maurice

Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker.

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