Inner Light Legion


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Why You Should Read "The Power of the Subconscious Mind"

April 04, 20243 min read

"Your thought is action that your subconscious mind repeats."


The Power of the Subconscious Mind. The latest installment in “The Inner Light Book Club” The book was written by Joseph Murphy. To read more about him, take a look

To me, Murphy's work is translated in a way that was easy to understand. When you read and comprehend the rich information in this book you will understand what I mean. 

I got the book as a suggestion while book shopping one day and I was very eager to read it. Out of pure curiosity I wanted to know the power of the subconscious mind, but I want to know how to use that power for my benefits and those of the ones around me. 

Thoughts are things

Before reading the book, I might have had some of the same questions that you have. What is the true definition of the subconscious mind? How does it compare to the conscious mind? Which mind is objective and which one is subjective? Can I use it for health or wealth?   Can I use it to achieve my biggest of dreams? What happens if I use it the wrong way?

Obviously, there are other factors at play in conjunction with your mind(s) work but when you conceive and you believe, you will achieve. Simple, right?



It's easy in the sense that the principles for creating health-n-wealth and all that jazz are the same principles that can leave you stuck in disparity. Where it gets hard is when we have to undo all the things we've done to get us to where we are at, in that exact moment that has us in a deep depression, angry with the world, or up at night with fear and anxiety. 

This is why understanding how the subconscious mind works is important for each and every one of us. There is a great analogy Murphy used in the book called “The Mental Apartment. It is a dope concept that puts things in perspective, especially if you are one of many who hold on to a lot of shit you really don't need. Literally and metaphorically. I break it down in one of my new videos.

Why I think you should read the book?

You will understand how the subconscious mind works. You will understand what I mean when I say the conscious mind is the captain of a big ole barge and your subconscious mind are the crew members of the ship. The crew that are below deck, they make sure the ship has the power to go wherever the captain wants even though the crew has no idea where the captain is going.

You will understand how affirmations and visualization can start to create new channels in the brain and how believing and doing lay before you everything you have dreamt of but thought was too big to happen or too good to be true. 

You will also learn how you can potentially perpetuate and exacerbate all that is “negative” in your life. 

To me, that last one is more than enough reason to read this book. 

This can be applied to money, health, dating, marriage, anger management, depression, anxiety. It all stems from our mental programs. I explain more about mental programs in this video.


The mind is a beautiful thing, but we limit our use of it or worse, we use it for self-destruction. “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” will most definitely do its part in male sure you have the knowledge and know how to use the subconscious mind to your benefit BUT you have to be willing to do the work. 

I know you're worth it and I hope you know that too. I want to see you shine bright so male sure to tap into the power of your support mind.


joseph murphy the power of the subconscious mindsubconscious mindsubjective minddepressionanxiety
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Cameron Maurice

Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker.

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