Inner Light Legion


man looking into a mirror at the gym.

5 Levels Of Self Talk

February 08, 20245 min read

1.   Introduction to Self-Talk

    - Definition and significance

    - Impact on mental health

2.   Level 1: “I Can’t”

    - Characteristics 

    - Effects on self-esteem and mental well-being

3.   Level 2: “I Need to… I Should”

    - Awareness 

    - Lacking action

4.   Level 3: “I Never… I No Longer”

    - Season of change

    - Break cycles

5.   Level 4: “I Am”

    - Importance of self-compassion in overcoming negative self-talk

    - Practicing kindness and understanding towards oneself

6.   Level 5: “It Is”

    - Benefits of positive self-talk

    - Strategies for fostering a supportive inner dialogue

7.   Conclusion

    - Recap of the five levels of self-talk

    - Encouragement for personal growth and inner peace

5 Levels Of Self Talk

Introduction to Self-Talk

Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue that occurs within our minds, influencing our emotions, behaviors, and perceptions of ourselves and consequentially, the world around us. It plays a crucial role in shaping our self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. If you are unfamiliar with "self-talk" or "programs" check out my last blog on programs or check out my YouTube video, where you will gain more of an understanding. The way we talk to ourselves can either take us to new heights or bury us, affecting our confidence, motivation, and resilience, for example. When it comes to self-talk, there are 5 levels of self-talk, read through them and see what level you are on and what level you want to be at. 

Level 1: “I Can’t” - Negative Self-Talk

At the first level, negative self-talk dominates our inner dialogue. It involves harsh criticism, self-doubt, and pessimistic beliefs about yourself and your abilities. People with low self-esteem often engage in negative self-talk, perpetuating feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. Statements like "I'm not good enough" or "I'll never succeed" become ingrained in the mind because we believe the BS we keep telling ourselves, fueling feelings of depression, anxiety, and despair.

Level 2: “I Need To… I Should” - Recognizing Negative Patterns

The second level entails recognizing and acknowledging negative patterns of self-talk BUT you choose to do nothing about the negative patterns. Which happens to be a problem. Awareness is the first step towards change. Making a plan of action is the second step. By paying attention to our thoughts and emotions, we can identify recurring negative patterns and their triggers BUT we have to take action correcting those negative patterns, with positive self-talk.  Whether it's comparing oneself to others, dwelling on past mistakes, or anticipating failure, recognize these thoughts, stop that thought in its tracks, and say, no! Follow that up with saying something constructive about yourself. 

Level 3: “I Never… I No Longer” - Change is happening 

This is where you start taking action, catching those negative thoughts and “Uno Reverse” it with something more constructive, starting with “I never” or “I know longer.” At this point you are telling your subconscious mind, “time for change.” Compared to the previous 2 levels, this is the baseline; where you want to be at a minimum so you can start to “combat” the negative thoughts and break the cycle(s) you are in, in order to string together more positive thoughts, little by little. 

Level 4: “I Am” - The better you

At the fourth level, you are at the most effective level. This is the exact opposite level of Level 1. You are telling your subconscious mind, “This is me; this is who I want to be” and “This is what I wish to create.” This cultivates self-compassion generates inspiration, essential in counteracting negative self-talk. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially in times of struggle or failure. Instead of berating yourself for perceived shortcomings, build yourself up with “I am” affirmations instead of dragging yourself through the mud. 

Level 5: “It Is” - Beyond self-talk 

“Universal Affirmations” Level 5 helps us to have a more universal acceptance and love for ourselves and others we cross paths with. We can feel one with the universe, The Source, spirit, God, true being, or whatever you wish to call it. Believing that we play an important role in this world and that we have meaning in our lives that is bigger than us as an individual.  


To wrap this up, self-talk plays a pivotal role in shaping our self-perception and mental well-being. By navigating through the five levels of self-talk. With an honest self-evaluation and understanding where we are on this scale. You begin to heal, create a healthier inner dialogue and experience greater inner peace and personal growth. By challenging negative thoughts, practicing self-compassion, and embracing positive affirmations, we can transform our relationship with ourselves, unlock our full potential, and live the life we truly want to live. 


How does negative self-talk contribute to low self-esteem?

Negative self-talk reinforces negative beliefs about oneself, leading to feelings of     inadequacy and low self-worth.

Can self-compassion help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety?

Yes, practicing self-compassion can enhance emotional resilience and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by fostering self-acceptance and understanding.

What are some practical techniques for challenging negative thoughts?

Cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and reframing exercises are effective techniques for challenging and reframing negative thoughts.

Is positive self-talk effective in improving confidence and motivation?

Yes, positive self-talk can significantly boost confidence and motivation by fostering a supportive and empowering inner dialogue.

How can I incorporate positive affirmations into my daily routine?

Start by identifying areas where you struggle with negative self-talk and create affirmations that counteract those thoughts. Repeat these affirmations daily, preferably in front of a mirror, to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself.

mental healthnegative mindsetdepressionanxietyself developmentpersonal growthself talk5 levels of self talkinner peace
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Cameron Maurice

Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker.

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