Inner Light Legion


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Unraveling the Five Stages of Success or Failure Through Mindful Programming

January 16, 20242 min read

Always good to have you! Let's into the powerful connection between programming, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions, and results. In my last YouTube post I spoke about mental programming. If you don't know what I'm talking about yet, you can check that out here. If you want some light reading instead you can read more about mental programs here.

Programming Creates Beliefs:

At the core of our existence resides programming, shaping our beliefs including those from childhood. Our beliefs are not necessarily based on facts but can profoundly impact our attitudes and perspectives. Understanding the influence of programming is crucial in unlocking our potential.

Beliefs Shape Attitudes:

Our attitudes serve as the lens through which we view life. Without a positive attitude, opportunities become invisible. Beliefs sculpt attitudes, and fostering the right mindset is essential for recognizing possibilities.

Attitudes Influence Feelings:

Feelings, the product of our attitudes, dictate our actions. Positive feelings breed positive actions, while negative feelings can, you guessed it, breed negative actions. On top of that negative feelings can hinder progress. It's a reminder that our emotional state directly influences the outcomes we manifest.

Feelings Determine Actions:

Every action, or inaction, is filtered through our feelings. Acknowledging and managing our emotions is pivotal in steering our actions toward success. A positive mindset can be a catalyst for transformative behaviors and put you on the path to love the life you want to live.

Actions Create Results:

The culmination of our journey lies in the results we achieve. Every action, driven by our feelings and attitudes, shapes our destiny. Recognizing the impact of our actions empowers us to redirect our path for a more fulfilling life.

The Power of Mindful Programming:

Understanding this chain reaction empowers us to evaluate our programming critically. If there are aspects of our programming hindering our growth, it's time for a mindful reevaluation. Changing negative programming may be challenging, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulty.


As you embark on the journey of self-discovery, remember that a positive mindset and mental health go hand in hand. Be mindful of your programming, and take intentional steps to rewrite, replace, or erase beliefs that no longer serve you.

Remember, you are the source of the light!


Mindful programmingPositive mindsetEmotional intelligenceMindful livingmental healthself development
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Cameron Maurice

Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker.

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